miércoles, 6 de enero de 2010

Signing a contract in German

Firstly, I must say that my landlord doesn't speak a word of English (of course, Spanish either). And when I faced the contract I was supposed to sign I realised that everything was in Geman!!!, as German as him.

So, I don't know what I signed. Maybe I accepted to sell my body as a sexual object, but perhaps I won't know it until I try to leave Germany in December 2010.

By the way... I hope that 'The Three Kings' have been generous with you. Have you been good this last year? :-)

2 comentarios:

  1. LOL

    Be carefull with what you sign; remember that Germans have a special interest in canibalism


    I don't know how to link it properly, so copy&paste

    Ich liebe da musik

  2. ufffff
    As soon as I get to the apartment I'm going to grab the contract and I will look for the word 'Kannibalismus'. If I find it I will have to find a good lawyer.

    Which music did you like, The Aslándticos'?
